Madeira News: encounter with ´Metade´the Mediterranean Monk Seal

source: Lobosonda Madeira Whalewatching operating from CALHETA MARINA


“Metade is a adult male, born in 1997 and identified on 25 July 2001 at the Desertas Islands. So this year he turns 18 and has thus already reached its mid-life. From the age of 4 years male monk seals reach about 2.10 to 3 m in length and up to 300 kg in weight.

In generally the monk seals seek sheltered beaches, dwelling mainly inside caves but they may also use open beaches for resting. In such a resting phase, our guests have encountered “Metade”.”..

Full text here:

METADE, Begegnung mit einer Mönchsrobbe

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